Audience: All users
The Profile displays a card of employee data, allowing users to access additional information that may not be available in a record's box style.
Administrators can add and remove fields accessible in the Profile in the Chart Settings: Profile panel.
Accessing the Profile
Users can right-click on records, and then select the profile options.
Users can also access the profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top toolbar.
Configuring the Profile
Administrators can configure the fields that are available in the Profile in the Chart Settings: Profile panel.
To configure the fields available:
1. Click on the Settings button in the bottom left hand corner, and then select the Chart Settings option.
2. Click on the Profile tab. Optionally, search for fields to toggle ON or OFF in the profile.
3. Click on Save.
Fields that are available to end-users are dictated by their Row-Level Security Profile assigned in their Access Group.
Profile field starring
Users can star up to 3 fields in the profile to display them at the top. Profile field starring is unique to each individual user, and persists through sessions.
To star profile fields:
1. Click on a record, and then click on the profile icon in the top toolbar.
2. Click on the show more information option to see additional fields in the profile.
Hover over a field, and then click on the star icon to favorite it.
3. The starred profile field is available at the top of the profile card.
Administrators can restrict a user's ability to star profile fields via a user's UI profile.
Default Starred Fields
Administrators can choose the default starred fields within an account in the Chart Settings: Profile panel.
To set the default starred fields for all users:
1. Click on the Settings button in the bottom left hand corner, and then select the Chart Settings option.
2. Click on the Profile tab, and then scroll down to the Starred fields section.
By default the system generated fields Headcount, Peers, and Levels are starred.
3. Hover over a default starred field to delete it.
4. Click on the Choose fields button, and then click on a field to add it to the Starred fields list.
5. Click on Save.
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