Audience: Administrators
Custom charts are charts that are created using your base chart data for filtering and modeling purposes. Chart documents allow Administrators and Read/Write users to make on-demand changes to formatting, branch styles, employee data and reporting lines. Changes are tracked in the Changes panel, so that users can audit the manual adjustments they've made.
Creating a custom chart
1. Click on Edit, and then click on the Create custom chart option.
2. Click on the pencil icon (under the Which employee would you like at the top of this chart heading) to search for the record that you would like to be at the top of this custom chart.
3. Click on the Levels dropdown menu to select the amount of levels under the top record to include in this custom chart.
4. Optionally, click on the pencil icon (under the Would you like to apply filters... heading) to add a filter to this custom chart.
Filters can be modified later.
5. Create the filter by selecting a Field, Comparison, and Value that targets the records that you'd like to include in this custom chart. In this example, we will include only employee records that have a FT/PT value equal to Full-time.
6. Click on the Field dropdown menu, and then select a field (i.e FT/PT).
7. Click on the Comparison dropdown menu, and then select a comparison value (i.e. equals).
8. Click on the Value dropdown menu, and then select a corresponding field value (i.e. Full-time).
Records that report to other records that do NOT meet this criteria can be found in the Staging panel for this custom chart. If desired, you can check the Include filtered managers option, so that the hierarchy remains intact.
9. Click on the Save option to preserve your filter, and then click on Create to create the custom chart.
For more information on how to edit custom charts, reference the article on Editing Custom Charts.
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