Audience: Administrators and Read/Write users
Box styles are formatted boxes that are displayed on the org chart. Box styles, in combination with view rules, drive the presentation of your org chart. Administrators and Read/Write users can edit box styles using the box layout editor.
The following article provides detailed information on:
Adding and managing box styles
Administrators and read/write users with the proper permissions can add, rename, modify and delete box styles.
The following sections covers:
- Accessing the box style library
- System and shared box styles
- System box style options
- Shared box style options
Accessing the box style library
Box styles can be managed from the box style library.
Click on the Box styles option on the left hand rail to open the box style library.
System and shared box styles
The box style library has two distinct 'sets' of box styles. There are system box styles, and shared box styles.
System box styles are automatically generated by OrgChart. These box styles can be applied to org charts in view rules, or they can bet transferred to the shared set of box styles, where they can be customized.
To switch between sets of box styles, click on the System or Shared tabs at the top of the box style library.
System box style options
System box styles are pre-built and provided by OrgChart for easier view configuration. System box styles cannot be modified, though they can be transferred to the shared set of box styles for further customization.
Click on the System tab in the box styles library to view the system box styles.
The following option is available for system box styles:
Copy selected box style to shared set for further customization. |
Shared box style options
Shared box styles are created by users and can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. Administrators and read/write users with the proper permissions can create and manage shared box styles.
Click on the Shared tab in the box styles library to view and modify shared box styles.
The following option is available for shared box styles:
Add new box style. |
Re-order the selected box style up or down. | |
Edit | Right-click to edit it in the box layout editor. |
Rename | Right-click to rename the selected box style |
Make a copy | Right-click to copy the selected box style |
Delete | Right-click to delete the selected box style |
Modifying box styles in the box layout editor
Administrators and read/write users with the proper permissions can modify box styles in the box layout editor.
The following sections provides information on:
Accessing the box layout editor
To access the box style editor, right-click on a newly created or existing box style, and then click on the Edit option.
The box layout editor is opened with the selected box style displayed and ready for modification.
Box layout editor options
Box level edits
The following box level edits are available in the box layout editor's contextual toolbar when no box cells are selected:
Preview the box formatting with your source data. The field values are taken from the top box of your chart. | |
Set the box width (fixed, auto[self], auto[smart], auto[children]) | |
Set the height of the box (fixed, auto[self], auto[smart]) | |
Gutter | Set the amount of space between the edge of the cells within a box and the border of the box. |
Change the box shape | |
Change the box fill color | |
Add or remove box shadow | |
Change the border color for the box | |
Add a box flag | |
Change the box border weight | |
Change the type of box border (no border, single border, double border) | |
Change the box border style (solid, dashed) |
Cell level edits
The following cell level edits are available in the box layout editor's contextual toolbar when selecting a cell in the box style:
Font style | Change the font style |
Font size | Increase or decrease the font size |
Bold text | |
Underline text | |
Italicize text | |
Change text color | |
Change cell color | |
Change cell fill style (solid fill, separator, dashed line, triangle, left triangle) | |
Change text horizontal alignment (left, center, right, justified) | |
Change text vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) | |
Enable text wrapping, so that all cell content is visible and displayed on multiple lines | |
Increase row height to fill any remaining vertical space in the box |
Editing fields, columns, and rows
The following options are available in the floating toolbar when selecting a cell in a box style:
Field value | Select a field or formula from your data to display in the box cell. Field values associated with the chosen field will be displayed when the box is applied to the chart. |
Field label | Choose how the selected field should be displayed in the box (value only, field label and value, or field label only) |
Insert or remove rows to the box | |
Insert or remove columns to the box | |
Merge selected cells into one cell | |
Increase row height to fill any remaining vertical space in the box |
Additional box layout editor options
The following additional options are available while in the box layout editor:
Click on the name of the box style to rename it | |
Click to save changes to the box style and exit the box layout editor | |
Finish editing layout button | Click to save or discard changes to the box style and exit the box layout editor |
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