Audience: All users
The Search function is used to find a specific record in a base chart or custom chart.
Standard Search -Search for an employee record using Name or Title
Advanced Search - Search for an employee record using any field in your dataset.
Accessing Advanced Search
1. Click on the Advanced search button to the right of the Search bar.
2. Optionally, click on the Fields button to access additional available fields to search on. Toggle fields ON to use them as search keys.
Administrators can control which fields are available for end users to search on. Review the Configuring advanced search fields section below for more information.
3. Type a value in the textbox associated with the field you'd like to search on. Optionally, use the field selector icon to the right of each search key, in order to pull field values directly from your dataset.
The following characters are disallowed when searching: . # $ % ^ * ( ) + = ~ ' " { } | ; : / ? < >
4. Optionally, search on multiple search keys to narrow your search results.
5. Click on Search.
6. Search results are displayed in the Advanced search panel. Double-click on a search result to go to that record in the chart.
Configuring advanced search keys
Administrators can control which fields are available to end users when using advanced search. The following section provides information on how to configure advanced search fields.
Advanced search field restrictions are applied for all users. To restrict only certain users from searching on or seeing specific fields, this must be done via an advanced security profile. Please reference the Security Profiles article for more information.
1. Click on the Settings button in the bottom right corner, and then select the Chart Settings option from the list.
2. Click on the Search & Directory tab, and then click on the Choose fields button under the Advanced search heading.
3. Toggle fields ON to make them available for advanced search. Toggle fields OFF to remove them from the available search list.
4. The fields are added to the Advanced search fields list. Click on Save.
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